Tips And Tricks To Know About Cars

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Did you know that changing your oil your self is the most important thing when it comes to saving money and auto fees? When to cahnge your oil? Well the best time is every 5,000 miles. Even if you are a fast driver or a slow even if you drive normal 5,000 miles is the best time. Most auto shops say every 3,000-10,000 miles. But most the time is because they will make more money that way. So yes changing your oil at 5,000 miles is just fine it won't harm anything.
How to change your oil?
Well you will need ramps or a floor jack, a box wrench that fits your oil plug, and a container to catch the old oil. Let that drean untill it stops, then put the plug back in. Then you pour the requiered amout of oil quartes in and then drive.


Mack D said...

Nice to know that.

(akw)Stretch said...

That is really nice to know. I will have to remember that when I go to change the oil in my parents vans.

MILLER #7 said...

Hey most people do it around 3,000.

MHanson said...

I have always gone 5,000 to 6,000 miles on my vehicles. The 3,000 recommendation is ridiculous for most vehicles.